Order Shipping and Tracking

We try to ship within a couple of days of your order. U.S. domestic orders are shipped by DHL or Fedex before being transferred to the US Post Office for delivery when the orders reach your local area. For US domestic orders, it generally takes 7-10 days from order to delivery (more during major holidays).  International orders are shipped via DHL eCommerce and may take up to 4 weeks.

When your order is shipped, a shipping confirmation will be emailed to you. Be sure to include an email address on your order! This confirmation will include a tracking number; click on that number to get to the tracking page.  Please do not rely on the Shop app tracker; use the tracking link that is sent to you via the shipping confirmation.

On the tracking page, click on the Details tab for information on the transit stops that your packages will go through. On the left-hand side of the Details page is a "Delivery by xxxx" tag, indicating that when your package reaches your country/city, it will be transferred to a local delivery service such as US Post Office, US Post Office Int'l, DP Paket Plus, HERMES, etc. Below the Delivery By tag is the tracking number for the delivery. You can click on that number for further details, or you can enter the tracking number on the following tracking app:  https://parcelsapp.com/en/tracking .